The Garnish Board - BIC Originals

Product image 1The Garnish Board - BIC Originals
Product image 2The Garnish Board - BIC Originals
Product image 3The Garnish Board - BIC Originals
Product image 4The Garnish Board - BIC Originals
Product image 5The Garnish Board - BIC Originals
Product image 6The Garnish Board - BIC Originals

Prix régulier $ 666.00

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These handmade cutting board come from local bartender-turned-woodworker Josh Owen (@mooksboards). He uses a range of locally available woods to create these beauties. As a result, like many of our handmade products, no two boards are alike.

They’re the perfect size to tuck away at your bar, without getting in the way. They also come with little rubber feet so the board stays put, even on a wet surface.

These are 100% real wood. Please keep that in mind to maximize their lifespan. Hand wash only, and oil/condition them every now and again as well.

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