Bright Chai Kettle Corn

Kettle corn just got sweeter 🍿

|  0.75 c popcorn kernels
|  3 tbsp olive oil
|  1.5 tbsp Bright Chai Syrup
|  1 tbsp sugar
|  1 tsp salt
|  0.50 tsp cinnamon
|  0.25 tsp cardamom
|  1 tbsp demerara sugar


Combine oil, syrup, and sugar in a large pot and stir to combine. Add popcorn kernels, top pot with lid and turn stove to med-med/high heat. Once you hear the kernels starting to pop (about 5 min) gently shake covered pot back and forth every 10 seconds or so, until kernels are no longer popping. Combine all topping ingredients and sprinkle over the hot popcorn while still in the pot. Gently stir popcorn with a spatula to evenly coat with topping and enjoy!

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