Pomegranate Cherry Holiday Punch

This festive cocktail is a nice balance of sweet and tart and can be made in large batches for your next holiday party. Leave out the vodka for anyone looking for an N/A version. Happy sipping!

  • 2 oz Portland Syrups Pomegranate Cherry syrup
  • 1 oz fresh lime juice
  • 4 oz cranberry juice
  • 2 oz club soda or sparkling water
  • 1 oz vodka (optional for a spiked version)
  • Fresh cranberries (for garnish)
  • Lime slices (for garnish)
  • Mint leaves (for garnish)
  • Ice

      • Fill a large pitcher or punch bowl with ice.
      • In a shaker, combine 2 oz of Portland Syrups Pomegranate Cherry syrup, 1 oz fresh lime juice, and 4 oz cranberry juice. If making a spiked version, add 1 oz vodka.
      • Shake well and pour over the ice.
      • Top with 2 oz of club soda or sparkling water, stirring gently to combine.
      • Serve in a wine glass and garnish with fresh cranberries, lime slices, and mint leaves. 

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